Free Case Evaluation

Local, Antelope Valley attorney protecting car purchasers and car accident victims from big corporations and insurance companies since 1998

First answer the following:


#1 Was your new or used car covered by a manufacturer’s warranty, dealer warranty, or service contract the first time you took it to have the present problems repaired?


#3 Does the problem with your vehicle reduce or harm its use, safety, or value?


#2 If yes to prior question, is it used mostly for personal, family, or small business purposes?


#4 Have you taken it to the dealership a reasonable number of times but they have not been able to fix it correctly?

If you answered *YES* TO ALL:

…you probably have a valid lemon law claim. Contact us at 661-285-3666 to set up an appointment for a free consultation, or take a moment to submit this questionnaire and an experienced attorney will personally review your problem and quickly respond to you at no charge. It’s fast, easy and free!

    Describe the main problems you are having*

    How many times have you taken your car in to have these problems repaired?

    Are you still having any of these same problems?YesNo

    How many days, including partial days, has your car been kept in repair shops while these problems were being repaired? Any additional information?

    Call Us



    Email Us

    Jude Aoun, APC


    1031 West Ave. M-14, Ste. C
    Palmdale, CA 93551